Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3D Ocean

Today I finished creating a 3 dimensional ocean. It began by importing in a picture of a sunset. Next I duplicated the picture and rotated it around. Once it was rotated, I had to blend the two pictures together using different effects. On the bottom layer, it was necessary to create a displacement map. The problem with the map was that it creating blank black areas on the image once having added a camera and key frames to move forward into the ocean. In order to fix the problem I decided to just zoom further into the picture. Unfortunately this made it look worse but I had no other choice, mostly because even in the tutorial, that's what they did as well. To make the water area look more realistic, I had to put a tint and a curve effect on it. This made it darker and differentiated the ocean from the sky a lot better. Overall, the ocean was really fun to make. It was inspired by the show "The Deadliest Catch" although it is a lot more beautiful and peaceful.

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